♥ Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ♥
hellow friends. mr heah was misfortuned to have been involved with an accident. it was shocking news for one and all. so, on behalf of the class, WE HOPE YOU GET WELL SOON and HAVE A SPEEDY RECOVERY mr raynard heah!!

carrying on, we had a relief teacher in place of mr heah, mr faizal. we were honoured to have a distinguished man on board njc's teaching staff. nice man he was, but unfortunately for him, he was not aware of which topic to start on and so went all the way back to the start. that was on adibetic cooling.
what i felt of the lesson was that it was a good revision for us (:

give me geography and i'll mug for it!!
thats my lifelong motto!
okay, guys. so i got a second chance at proving my worth in yet another blog post.
last lesson we covered the topic of water balance!
first of all. water balance is just another way of balancing things in life. dare i ask you to recall last term's MI topic of chinese medicine. one part to it was yin and yang. the concept behind water balance is the same.
it is an explanation of how water is never 'destroyed'. only 'transferred' elsewhere.
that is why
P which is
Precipitation/Rainfall will equal to all water 'transferred' through various processes.
those are,
Q which is water flowing down above the ground (
E which is
the water taken in by roots and transpired out back into the air delta
S which is change in
Storage of water in bedrocks or soil.
further details about delta
S, most importantly, you have to understand
S is
Storage of water in bedrock or soil. if the amount increases the next month, the change in
Storage is positive.
and so, the equation of
P =
Q +
E + delta
S is to explain where the water from precipitation goes. be it back into lakes through runnoff, and transpired back into the air by evapotranspiration, and stored in bedrocks or soil. the water in bedrocks, if increased means part of the precipitation is being stored there.

this is to simplify all that i have mentioned in the post (: